Vaccine Helpers, Unite
When it comes to the COVID-19 vaccine, we believe the best way to fight fear is with information. Scroll down to find credible, aggregated information, tips on how to talk to loved ones about getting the vaccine, and an easy way to find vaccine sites near you.
get the facts
Help End Myths & Misperceptions
There are some crazy myths and flat-out lies about the vaccine online - especially on Spanish-language pages. So much so, groups had to pressure Facebook to better moderate and regulate the Spanish pages’ misinformation.
Here are some common misunderstandings
How the
Vaccine Helps
Click the illustration to read how vaccines work and watch the video below for more detailed info on the COVID-19 vaccine.
Inspire Others to Help
Join the vaccination nation, and use #YoAyudé on social media to let the world know you’re helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.
How to Have “The Vaccine” Talk
Deciding to get the vaccine is a major step – and talking about it can be dicey. Here’s some info that can help make the conversations go smoothly.